Step -1: control panel settings

Step -2: Eclipse settings
Step -3: Restart Application Server
Step -4: Restart Browser
Step -5: Login to your application and try to access the applet
Step -6: Now come back to eclipse and go to "Run" and click on "Debug Configuration" we have created
Now your applet code is ready for debug.
Happy Debugging :)
Courtesy: Pradeep
- Go to control panel -> click on Java (32-bit) as shown in the below screen:
- Click on Tab "Java"
- Click on button "View"
- Under "Runtime Parameters" column paste the below parameters:-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=2503,server=y,suspend=y
- Press "Ok" and then "Ok" button.

Step -2: Eclipse settings
- Go to Run-> Debug Configurations
- Right Click on "Remote Java Application" and click on "New"
- Provide the details like: name, project, host and port(this port is what we gave in run-time parameters configuration, in our case it is 2503)
- Click on "Apply" and "close".
Step -3: Restart Application Server
Step -4: Restart Browser
Step -5: Login to your application and try to access the applet
Step -6: Now come back to eclipse and go to "Run" and click on "Debug Configuration" we have created
Now your applet code is ready for debug.
Happy Debugging :)
Courtesy: Pradeep